Mastering the Art of Free hand drawing with the grid method
Drawing freehand can be a challenging yet rewarding skill to develop. Whilst it is important to practice drawing unaided, one technique that can assist aspiring artists in achieving accurate proportions and details is the grid method. This method involves dividing an image into smaller squares, allowing artists to reproduce the same grid on their drawing surface to maintain accurate proportions. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the step-by-step process of using the grid method to draw a picture freehand.
Step 1: Choose Your Reference Image
Begin by selecting a reference image that you'd like to draw. Make sure that it is clear and has distinct details. Portraits, landscapes, or still-life photographs work well for this technique. A couple of great websites to find royalty-free images are unsplash and pixabay.
Step 2: Create a Grid on Your Reference Image
Using a ruler or any straight edge, divide your reference image into a grid of equal-sized squares. The number of squares depends on your preference and the level of detail in the image. Generally, a 1-inch grid with 1-inch squares works well for most drawings.
Step 3: Draw the Same Grid on Your Drawing Surface
Transfer the grid from your reference image to your drawing paper or canvas. Make sure the grid on your drawing surface has the same number of squares as the reference image. This can be done by measuring and marking the corresponding points on both the image and your drawing surface.
Step 4: Focus on One Square at a Time
To manage the complexity of the drawing, start by concentrating on one grid square at a time. This approach allows you to break down the image into smaller, more manageable sections, making the drawing process less overwhelming.
Step 5: Observe and Replicate
Carefully study the details within each square of your reference image, paying attention to shapes, lines, and shading. Then, replicate those details within the corresponding square on your drawing surface. Take your time to ensure accuracy, and don't be afraid to use guidelines to maintain proportions.
Step 6: Connect the Dots
As you work through each grid square, you'll start to see the overall image taking shape. Once you've completed all the squares, connect the lines and details to create a cohesive and accurate representation of the original image.
Step 7: Refine and Add Detail
With the basic structure in place, you can now refine your drawing by adding more details and adjusting any areas that may need improvement. This is the stage where your creativity and personal style can shine.
The grid method is an excellent tool for those looking to improve their freehand drawing skills. It provides an easier approach to reproducing an image accurately while allowing for creativity and personal expression. Remember to practice regularly and experiment with different subjects to enhance your skills and build confidence in your freehand drawing abilities. With dedication and patience, you'll soon find yourself creating impressive artworks that showcase your unique artistic vision.
Good luck!